Pro-Life Corner
Fort Wayne's 41st Annual March for Life
Saturday, January 17th, 2015
USF Performing Arts Center - 431 W. Berry Street
Rally at Noon - March immediately Following Rally
Keynote Speaker - Mike Spencer of Life Training Institute
13th Annual Legislative Action Forum
Saturday, February 21, 2015 - Concordia Theological Seminary, 6600 N. Clinton Street - Wyneken Hall - Room 8 - 9am - 10:30am -- Doors open at 8:30 am
* Pro-life legislation Briefing
* Significant time for Q&A
* Speak informally with elected officials
Coffee, juice, and donuts provided - Event is free but reservations are requested - Please call the parish office for more information.
Adoption Not Abortion
For each adoption is a baby saved and represents a failure to the pro-abortion industry. Few in the general public realize it but Planned Parenthood "counselors" and the rest of the pro-abortion, anti-child activists have been waging a quiet war against adoption for 3 decades. This is evident in the pregnant girl who would rather have her baby killed than the alternative of 'a fate worse than death' (adoption). How many babies are adopted? 4% of non-marital births are placed for adoption. In the U.S. this is about 50,000 non-related adoptions a year compared to 1,500,000 babies aborted.
How many couples are waiting? There are about 2 million couples waiting. Furthermore each of these couples would want 2 or 3 children if available. Many will take hard-to-place children with special needs.
Adoption | Abortion |
Your pregnancy ends with giving life | Your pregnancy ends with death |
Feel good and positive about your choice | Feel guilt and shame about Your choice |
You will remember giving birth | You will remember taking a life |
You will have time to plan you & your babies future | Abortion is final, you can't go back on your decision |
You can hold, name, and love your baby |
You will never know or treasure your baby |
You can have continued contact with your baby | You will miss the opportunity to see your child |
Physicians across America and around the world are now confirming that the Pill, IUDs, DepoProvera, and Norplant causes early abortions. Most Americans are not aware that the Pill and other chemical "contraceptives" cause millions of "non-surgical" abortions each year in the early weeks of pregnancy.
How many women know they can have BREAKTHROUGH OVULATIONS and become pregnant while using chemical contraceptives? Very few! And how many women know that if they become pregnant after a BREAKTHROUGH OVULATION, these "contraceptives" will almost always kill any son or daughter they've conceived?
What is Breakthrough Ovulation? While using the Pill and other chemical "birth control" products, many women's ovaries continue to release eggs. This is called "Breakthrough Ovulation" and it occurs in millions of women each year. Once an egg has been released via ovulation, a woman can become pregnant.
If you're using "birth control" products and you have a breakthrough ovulation that releases an egg, sperm can reach and fertilize your egg. At that moment you would become pregnant! Fertilization means conception has taken place and you now have a brand new son or daughter who is as complete genetically as he or she will ever be throughout life. "The exact moment of the beginning of personhood and of the human body is at the moment of conception."
"Before you were formed in the womb,
I knew you..."
(Jeremiah 1:5)
Science tells us that life begins at conception; however, Jeremiah tells us that life is known long before that moment. When God created Adam, He new you and gave you a unique purpose for your life!
As Christians, we are all called to defend this gift of life. If you are wondering what you can do, try to:
- Say a Pro-life Rosary
- Volunteer at a Woman's Care SCenter
- Write Letters to the Editgor
- Donate Time, Talent & Treasure to Pro--life Organizations
- Devote a Holy Hour at the Guerin Chapel
- Learn About Rachel's Vineyard
- Get Involved with the Local 40 Days For Life Campaign
We are all called by our unique interests and talents -- you don't have to do it all, but do something!
Here are some resources to help you get started (click on item of interest):
News from US, Canada, and UK
Allen County Right to Life
Priests for Life
National 40 Days Campaign
Indiana Catholic Conference